Use Ayurveda's Beauty Secrets Instead of Botox!

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It protects us from external factors and also absorbs and eliminates toxins from our systems. This is why the skin is an important ally in understanding our bodies: we can actually see this organ, and receive clear messages from it, visually. Toxins will be visible on the skin’s surface. In fact, any internal imbalance can be seen if you look carefully. Excess hormones can result in acne, blemishes, overproduction of oils, and dryness, causing wrinkles, thinning skin and sensitivities.The Kansa wand is a healing metal used in traditional Ayurvedic and Eastern practices. It has amazing beauty enhancing as well as soothing properties. The combination of copper, tin and zinc has a powerful effect on the body's subtle energies, that is even more effective than gold and silver.In my Ayurvedic facials, I use the Kansa wand to massage and lift patients’ skin. The energy of this vibrational metal truly relieves the appearance of tired, sagging skin by bringing a natural lift and light to the face, as well as soothing any redness or inflammation. It is also wonderfully relaxing and feels like a warm hand massaging your skin. You actually see the impurities turn the facial oil a slight greyish tone that is then washed away, leaving noticeably radiant and tightened skin.Tailoring your facial to your specific needs is crucial in revealing beautiful, healthy skin. The use of the Kansa Wand is an effective, natural way to achieve glowing results.Please note that this month of June, facials are 15% to prepare for a natural, protected look as you enjoy the warmer months ahead.


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