Getting the Most out of Your Skincare Products

This step-by-step skincare guide for your morning and nighttime routines highlights which product you should use first, how long you need to apply them, and how many minutes you need to leave on between each step.

The order of product application is incredibly important, as incorrect layering could render the products less effective – or worse, irritate your skin. It is also essential to leave enough time between steps for the product to absorb into your skin. If your formulas don’t have time to penetrate, they won’t work as well, especially when it comes to the application of subsequent steps.

Your Morning Skin Care Routine

  1. Cleanser: Spending at least 30 seconds to a minute massaging the cleanser making sure the skin is thoroughly cleansed. You can rinse your face immediately unless your cleanser contains active ingredients such as AHAs. My favorite is Stem Cell Cleanser from Dermaquest, foamy and lovely!

    Expert tip: Spend some time massaging the cleanser into your oiliest areas like your T-zone, this will help break down pore congestion.

    Waiting time: Wait for your skin to feel completely dry. However, if you are using a hydrating toner containing hyaluronic acid, apply it immediately after cleansing to a damp face.

  2. Toner: Now that you have cleansed your face, it’s time to apply your toner. You should only spend as much time as it takes to fully wipe down your face with a saturated cotton pad. Usually, it takes around 30 seconds. My favorite is Dermaquest Hydrating Toner.

    Waiting time: If your formula contains alcohol or other astringent ingredients it will dry practically instantly and then you are ready to move to the next step.

  3. Serum: Time to help your skin get a smooth appearance with a serum. This step should take you around 30 seconds or the time it takes to smooth the product over your whole face. Serums do so much. My favorite is Skinbrite Serum (rich in Vitamin C), to reduce melanin-producing cells and clears your skin from hyperpigmentation.

  4. Eye Cream: The skin around our eyes is very sensitive and delicate so we need to apply specific products for this area to avoid any damage or irritation. It should take you around 30 seconds to apply a specific eye product. My favorite is Dermaquest 3D Eye Lift.

  5. Spot Treatment: You are ready to treat your breakouts with a product that will help to reduce inflammation and calm the area while avoiding infection. The time this step takes will depend on the quantity and size of the blemish, but approximately around 15 seconds. (Dermaquest Clear Serum).

    Waiting time: it’s important to give enough time for the product to penetrate the skin and dry so we need to allow at least one minute before moving to the next step.

  6. Moisturizer: We can’t forget to apply moisturizer to the face and neck, making sure it’s well applied. This normally takes from one to two minutes. (Nourishing Peptide Cream).

    Waiting time: The cream must absorb completely before moving to the next step, make sure to at least wait for one to two minutes or at least until your skin doesn’t feel tacky to the touch.

  7. Sun Cream: Surprisingly, this is the step that should take you the longest in your skincare routine so make sure it is done with the utmost care to obtain the effect you are after. If you are applying it to the whole body, spend at least two minutes thoroughly applying. If it’s just your face and neck a minute or two should be enough. (SunArmor SPF 50).

    Expert tip: Regardless of when you start your morning routine, I’d recommend you leave at least five to 10 minutes for all of your products to fully absorb before moving on to your makeup routine, especially your sunscreen. Applying makeup can disrupt sunscreen — in particular, it can cause mineral formulas to move around — which will reduce your coverage and efficacy.

Your Evening Skin Care Routine

Your nighttime routine should take a little longer if you’re adding peels, serums, essences, and/or face masks, and even more so if using a facial roller or gua sha.

Throughout the day, our skin is absorbing all the air pollution around us and it’s very important not to skip this routine as it will help your skin replenish throughout your night’s sleep.

Steps one and two remain the same as in the morning routine, however, there are a few changes in the next steps:

  1. Eye Cream: As previously mentioned you need to treat the skin around the eye with products particularly formulated for this area to avoid irritation.

    Waiting time: You can move on to the next step immediately.

  2. Treatments: Depending on the type of treatment you are going to apply, either serums, acne, retinol, or peel, you will need to follow their instructions as indicated to avoid any undue stress or damage to the skin. Dermaquest Retinaldehyde Renewal Cream is the perfect beginning to introduce your skin to a retinol treatment. 

    Waiting time: Very important to make sure that the different treatments you are using don’t interact with each other and are applied in the correct order.

  3. Night Cream: This is the last step of your night routine. It should usually take around one to two minutes to apply the cream over your face and neck. However, if you enjoy using a facial roller or gua sha this is the moment to take a little longer.

While your routine may be over, wait 10 minutes before going to bed so all the products you have applied don’t end up on your pillow!


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