Summer Beauty Tips for the Lazy Daze of Summer!

When it comes to summer beauty, we all want to radiate a bright glow of vibrant health. The skin acts as an indicator of our vitality, revealing our well-being to the outer world, where everyone can see.

Because of Summer’s excessive heat, our skin can quickly become an issue. In this season, the skin will often react by becoming irritated with dryness or excessive oiliness, redness, insect bites, and overexposure to the sun.

Five Ways to Support Gorgeous Summer Skin

1. Keep cool.

Wear loose-fitting clothing made of cotton or silk in light or cool colors such as white, blue, green, or purple. These colors do not absorb heat as easily as black or red.

2. Prevent overexposure.

Always protect the skin and apply sunscreen, especially if you're a sun worshipper. Avoid prolonged sun exposure and never lie out during the sun's hottest time, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and a good pair of sunglasses if you must be outside during these times. 

3. Ayurvedic Tip:

Oil overheated skin. If overexposure does occur, add 10 drops of jasmine, or rose essential oil to a cool bath and soak for twenty minutes. After patting the skin dry, apply cooling coconut oil or a deeply hydrating blend of beeswax, oils, and cooling Ayurvedic herbs such as Brahmi to calm and hydrate heated skin.

4. Easy on the soap.

Soap's foaming action lifts up and carries away the oils necessary to lubricate the skin. This can cause the skin to become dry or can lead to overproduction of oil, either of which is bothersome. Therefore, be selective with your summer skincare routine and use soap only as needed.

 5. Enjoy a skincare routine.

All the skin asks is to be clean and nourished. Wash your face and body every day with a gentle cleanser, and apply your nourishing serums, moisturizer, and SPF!

When we remember that the skin reflects our inner state. Above all, take care of yourself by reducing stress in your life, getting enough sleep, drinking clean water, and exercising properly. Your skin will thank you!

Pro -tip~ If you can’t get away this summer,  book your Hydrafacial for beautiful dewy, and glowing summer skin!


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Shine Bright Safely: 6 Tips to Protect Your Skin from the Sun this Summer